Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama and echoes of history????????

First of all, I am thrilled to start a blog. I LOVE writing, and seeing that I am full steam ahead on a novel (which will probably make its debut elsewhere), I am excited to engage in this fun venue for expressing all things that I desire-mostly non-fiction.

Obama will be inaugurated tomorrow. Many people have expressed their feelings that Obama is going to inspire our nation in ways unthought of. He has been supported by members of the Kennedy family; and it is even said that he inspires them the same way that President Kennedy does. I need to say my peace (as I have before) about this.

I proudly admit it, I can be accused of severe subjectivity on this subject. Anyone who knows me knows that John F. Kennedy is my Eternal Personal Hero. I have been to the J.F.K library, collected many J.F.K books, etc. .... the list goes on. I am puzzled to say the least that Obama's less-than-a day away presidency is percieved by some as an "echo" of history. Obama is of his own time and era.
Here are some interesting differences that I put together between the sevice of Kennedy and Obama :

1. When Kennedy took office, he had served in congress(both House and Senate) for fourteen years. He was seasoned in politics. Obama has served in the U.S. Senate a total of about two years.

2. Kennedy is a war hero. Obama does NOT have that kind of experience.

3. Kennedy served to help the cause of Civil rights (during a period of severe growing pains for the movement) on principle. He believed that it was the just, correct, and only thing to do and fought for civil rights advances on principle despite the lack of support from congress and many powerful social and political groups. Kennedy was the first president to address the equal pay issue for women. He even once mentioned that he thought that a woman could make a great persident, and expected that one day a woman would be. Obama has reaped the benefits of this. He will never face the opposition that Kennedy had to.

4. Kennedy faced the Catholic issue head-on. The way he did it is legend. Obama has faced little or no problems with the religeon issue (maybe excepting the crackpots who believe he is Muslim).

5. Kennedy was immersed immediately in global stresses-a cold war without the co-operation of the CIA. Obama will be immersed also-but he has a kind of solidarity behind him in this dangerous era that Kennedy didn't have. Obama won't be responsible if there are conflicts about the wars and Gitmo, etc.-He is ready to dismantle Bush policies forthwith. Too much is known for him to be left holding the bag. Obama has reaped the benefits of the peace Kennedy preserved. For our sakes, I hope that he uses wisdom and help from Our GOD. Kennedy did.

Kennedy has faced the deluge of revisionist historians. Camelot is the Golden Age through which a"hard and bitter peace" was wrought with sweat, and COURAGE. It is an era of service. The era that Obama "ushers" in is one markedly lacking in the innocence and the unperfunctory brand of service that Kennedy inspired.

I like Obama. I wish him well. I am excited for him. I hope that he does well for our sakes. But he DOES NOT hold a place for me. He never will, no matter how he might turn out to impress me....... he is NOT my hero. Here is You Tube video of JFK's inagural address-(part one).


  1. Well put. I wish Obama well, I just hope that he does the right thing.

    Welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Thanks, Stephanie!!!! :-) You are kind.

  3. p.s I think Obama will at least TRY to do the right thing. I like him.

  4. Yes, hero status will need to be earned! Maybe it will happen. I like your bold move in opening your blog with a political essay! You go, girl!

  5. I am so glad you have a blog. I look forward to reading it. Just so you know, very often when I think of, or hear of Kennedy I very often think of you as well. So you are linked with your hero in my head. Which maybe isn't the best endorsement for either you or Kennedy because my head can be pretty random but it is what it is so there you have it.

  6. LOL. :-) Love Ya, Dona. Being in your head at all is a FABULOUS endorsement!!!!!
