Friday, April 24, 2009

Treasures Found Stored in a Cardboard Box- Pictures of Dad on His Mission

DAD went on his mission to Taiwan. His Cardboard box revealed these treasures from his mission-rolls of film!!!!!!!! :-D Pictures are beyond precious and then some to Me...and that's just any good photo-but these.............................

My Dad called his Mission a great adventure. Here he displays talent as a troubadour! :-D I am sure he was called on often to sing and play on his mission.

Dad is on the left. :-) Wish I could name the others offhand!
Cool Dude, Dedicated Missionary!

Dad and a companion

Love Dad in this. He is, of course, on the right.
The Lord, I know, is pleased with this missionary. Dad's deep Love for the People of Taiwan is legendary. I Love his stories, his Chinese handbooks, his funny way of Speaking Mandarin and the funny poems he learned in Mandarin. He has always been Studious and Dedicated. I Love You, Dad. Your Example has been so important to Me. You have always viewed service as a privilege. We all need to do that. :-) ♥ Thanks.


  1. It is so obvious how much you love your dad, Chazz. I am sure he knows. This was a great and touching post.

  2. My dad's love for his mission, which he shared with us all so often growing up, was what in part prompted me to serve a mission as well.

    Loved meeting you and having you in our home this weekend.

  3. Wonderful tribute to a great dad. How do I know he was great? Look at what a cool daughter he raised!

  4. Awwwwwww...Thanks! :-) That is very kind!
