Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Reminded of Courage While"Thelma and Louising" with Kaz, Marsha, and Tiffany!

I think that Courage is the most baffling and amazing quality. The kind of Courage that I am thinking of is the kind that is used to prove Devotion-True Belief. It is quite Polarizing for someone to use this kind of Courage, because it often must be used outside the "normal" realm of reason. It doesn't Help win any Popularity contests, that is for sure. Anyway...........I was really happy to go on a trip-a road trip-back East with My Dear Friend Karen and Wonderful, Newly-Made Friends Tiffany and Marsha; and this trip is what inspired these thoughts about Courage.
Here they are:

Courage to Show Faith and Devotion : JOSEPH SMITH

The Prophet Joseph Smith is an Exemplar and an Enigma to Me. I know that He is a Prophet. Why would anyone do all that He did unless they are TRULY convinced? Still, all that He did for the Church and His Belief in God took SUPREME Courage; But I also want to talk of His bravery all along, and how this is The Quality of His Person-The Courage He has always Showed in ALL instances . I think of Joseph Getting Bone hacked out of His leg as a Boy-Refusing Spirits for Relief, and Trusting that His father was comfort Enough-Both His Heavenly Father and Joseph Sr. as Joseph Sr. held and comforted Young Joseph through the surgery. I think of Him trying to deal with the daily stress that He dealt with When He was filled with anxiety about the Sacred Plates that He was entrusted with. Hiding Places. Getting Help. Rude, Lashing Comments-and Horrific acts against Him by Evil disposed Mobs, and on top of that- Stress that In-Laws weren't warmed up to Him at First. Family Hardships, Betrayals, .... Joseph is AMAZING.
Here is the Kirtland Temple that Joseph asked the Saints to Help Build. Courageous work and Sacrifice went into this building!

Here are More Cool sites in Church History that We Visited including the Temples that We saw!!!

A First Edition Copy of the Book of Mormon at the Hill Cumorah Visitor's Center. :-)

The Historic Johnson Residence Where the 76th Section of the D&C was Received By Joseph.
This one is SO important to Church History-The Newell K. Whitney Store!
The St. Louis Temple

Palmyra, NY Temple
Columbus, OH Temple

Nauvoo Temple

Me Where Kennedy Resided-TOO COOL!!!!! Wish I could Have toured inside!!!!!! :-/

Yes. It is true. Many have tried to defame, but that is what the Courageous deal with. Kennedy is not given the credit that He deserves for his Brave and Unyielding Stance on Civil Rights. He is the FIRST President to Issue a study on the status of Women's Rights and the Equal Pay issue! Further, In an interview He stated that He was "Delighted" to have Daughter Caroline, and said that Women's abilities to serve their countries were equal to Men, and that Equally Great things could be expected of Women. He believed a Woman would one day be President.

These were NOT popular views, but Kennedy Stood Fast in support for Progressive Civil Rights Legislation and Voting Rights. Without Him, these things would not gone ahead as they did.

Here is an awesome Pic of the Lincoln Memorial where Dr. King gave his "I Have A Dream" Speech.
I am SO glad to Have been able to take this Pic! Thanks, Kaz For Letting Me Go! :-)

And FINALLY...............

Courage in the face of Snoring!!!!
Dear Marsha....She is Not addressing the Snoring issue as this Pic is taken, but I can tell You that the body language in this Photo is Pretty close to what it would be if She expressed Her feelings about the Snoring -My Snoring. :-/
*All Photos are Taken By Me in this Blog Entry Except, of Course, The Pictures of The Prophet Joseph Smith and President Kennedy with Dr. King.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day, Dad! ♥

I thought I would Post these Pictures to wish My Dear Dad a Happy Father's Day! The bottom pic, of course, is of Me as a Tot with Dad.