Genius. Legend. Feminist Icon. Sylvia is all of these. The tall, beautiful, and sometimes gaunt figure of a Poet captured My imagination When I was in High School. My Senior English teacher asked Me if I had read The Bell Jar after I had mentioned how floored I was at Her amazing poetry. So I was now introduced to Her terse, searing prose, and learned what a well rounded writer is. Her words can cut to the chase like a razor...or create a sensory world to drown in. SADLY... Her idealism was bluffed out of the game of the world's realities AND possibilities by the inner demons She battled. Her Manic highs and bottomless lows revealed the multifaceted paradox that She is.
What I have been given by Sylvia is a gift that no other has given Me. It is best put by the quote in the film Shadowlands, where the character C.S. Lewis (played by Anthony Hopkins) says: "We read to know We are not alone". Sylvia..Thanks for being someone Whose Frame of Reference has given Me strength, understanding, and an added perspective about MySelf. I love You.