Tuesday, May 26, 2009


THERE'S "No DOUBT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was one of the Best and Most Surreal experiences EVER!
Gwen Gracing a Screen!

Gwen in Awesome form. I was so EXCITED to film this vid!!!!! WATCH THIS!!!!! :-D I think I did a good job!


Kay. First of all, this has been the BEST CONCERT EVER. As the title of this entry says, The No Doubt concert EXCEEDED ALL EXPECTATIONS. What a night. This will always be a treasured Experience-FOREVER! Before I recount the fabulous happenings, I need to thank People for this Experience. MOM...THANKS! :'-D WOW. The best thing ever. CLIFF And JENNA, thanks for letting Me and Mom use Your PayPal!!! You two give new meaning to the term "PayPal"!!!!! :-D KATE......THANKS FOR THE RIDE!!!!!!!! It could NOT have happened without You! I OWE YA! EM.................THANKS FOR JUMPING UP AND DOWN IN PLACE LIKE A MANIAC WITH ME!

Me and Em inside the E Center-Excitement palpable!!!!! I think that Paramore was still performing.

O.K. Here are Pics and Highlights!!!!!! :

Excitement could NEVER more palpable at any concert for Me than this. A really nice tall Lady that was Dressed as Gwen stood By Me and Em for a while, and took this pic for Me. When the sihlouettes first showed as Gwen and the Boys were announced, THINGS WERE HAPPY BEDLAM! We were all "out of control". X-D


Ohhhhhhhhhh Man. How COOL IS SHE?????????????????????? AMAZING ENERGY!

Things that happened at the concert that were AWESOME: (ERRR...The WHOLE THING WAS AWESOME!)

1. The audience sang "Happy Birthday" to Gwen's darling son Kingston James. :-D What a cool thing! That kid is ADORABLE!!!!!♥ Gwen brought him on stage and Held him as we all sang! Too bad My batteries ran out of juice before this happened! X'-(

2. I was hit on the shoulder by a water bottle that Gwen threw-(YES, GWEN HERSELF!) into the audience along with t-shirts and stuff. The sad thing is that I didn't get the momento.
:-( Some lady snatched it before I could grab it right as it hit Me! X-( Needless to say this was not at all dangerously done or painful-Welll.....It actually is painful -There's the memory of the bottle that Gwen threw and hit Me with that got away!!!!!! UGH!


3. The Drummer Guy Adrian Young wore a TUTU! LOL! Sorry-I didn't get a pic :-P LOL. I prefer guys to be in stuff other than Tutus, but Adrian is ALWAYS ENTERTAINING.
He has rather a Punkish look that exceeds all others in ND-Here is a pic of darling Adrian that shows that he is one to dress to the HILT. This Picture is a post from the official No Doubt Site taken before a TV appearance-of course it isn't by Me. This is the only pic I didn't take (Well, there were the tall People that Helped Me)besides the official pic of the group that I posted at the top-that, too is from the official site and ND Web FanClub, of course.

4. Gwen is so kind to People. There was a darling little girl that she called out of the audience to come up on stage. The girl was dressed to the hilt as Gwen Herself. The girl had the thrill that will never leave her as Gwen hugged her and made her feel FAB meeting her fave singer and fashionista, ........GWEN, OF COURSE. Awwwwww, Man. :-)

5. I will always fondly think of the moment when Gwen asked only the Men in the audience to sing "I'm just a Girl" along with her! LOL
That was beyond awesome-especially when she went in Riot-Girl mode after and all the Ladies sang it!!!!!!! :-D AHHHHHHHHH....SISTAHHOOD!

Finally.......Stuff For the Scrapbook, etc!!!!!!!
My ticket, wristband,and the cool shirt My Buddy Em bought for ME!!!! EM, YOU ROCK!!!! The two pics below that: Back view of my shirt, and a better front view pic.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day-Mother's Day Special


Ms. Holm wishes all Mothers a Happy Mother's Day. Here is a Special link I would like to share in honor of all "Mums". :-) http://www.twotuttles.com/scarlet.html PLEASE take time to look at it. I think it is sweet-and very moving! It is almost hard to look at, but Look at it and You will know Why I posted this link.

Here is a Pic of My own Mom. :-) It is of her (and Me as a Baby).

Saturday, May 2, 2009



Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Hero and Firebrand

I have always felt that there are as many brands of feminism as there are feminists. The world over, Women's lots have been SO varied especially compared to men. There are a few great women in history, however, who have had the vision to bring women together in a common cause despite the diametric differences among them-Elizabeth Cady Stanton is foremost among them. The only problem is that when a woman claims that furthering women's rights and opportunities benefits all humanity, She is immediately under scrutiny and criticism if she seems to put all emphasis on the issue of feminism as opposed to other social issues. This is the problem that Stanton faced when Frederick Douglas and other suffragettes of her age thought it more important to emancipate African-Americans rather than put effort into the cause of women (which at that time was basically the issue of the right for Women to vote). Stanton is a Hero of mine. Her writings and speeches are among the greatest(and most underappreciated) stuff ever written. If You haven't read Stanton's "Solitude of Self", read it NOW!!! She lays out her philosophies about human rights and Women's rights in astounding clarity with the astuteness of a Seasoned Lawyer. Here is a link that will take You to it: http://www.pbs.org/stantonanthony/resources/index.html?body=solitude_self.html -it is sublime. Before that, She drafted the Declaration of Sentiments numbering the injustices that women faced and declaring a bill of rights at the 1848 Women's Rights Convention-The link: http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/book-sum/seneca3.html .
Stanton, a mother to seven children is known as a "girly-girl" type in manner and dress, but intellectually is without peer. Her writings are the foundation of Modern Woman's suffrage. She dealt with gross treatment and disrespect. The bravery She is famous for has paved a smoother road for Women in this country. She also was involved in the Emancipation movement for African-American slaves, and the Temperance Movement. I honor Stanton. She is without a doubt one of the Greatest People in History; and for sure one of the most underrated. I highly recommend that anyone and everyone watch the Ken Burns film Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. It is SO well researched and fabulously well-done (as are all Burns films). It is gratifying to see this kind of tribute.