"Fasten your seatbelts......................"
Yep. Jodie is truly chic in this beaded Armani. She is at the 1995 Oscars in this pic-That Year She was nominated for best Actress in a Leading Role for her role in Nell.
-Biggest Oscar Travesties in History (In My View):
#1: Hugh Grant not being Nominated and winning for About A Boy-(and others)!
#2: Peter O'Toole losing in the Oscar race for Best Leading Actor EIGHT different TIMES!!!!!!!!!! X-'( What the............. I LOVE Peter O'Toole. What are the odds, huh? (I just watched How to Steal a Million last night.):-D
#3: Cate Blanchett not being nominated for Best Leading Actress this year!!!!!!! >:^/
#4: Richard Farnsworth not getting the Best Leading Actor Oscar for his role in The Strait Story (1999 Film Directed by David Lynch).
-Classiest Oscar Acceptace in My view is Ingrid Bergman accepting her Oscar for her supporting role in Murder on the Orient Express! Here is a link to the vid from YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky5sW4no_cg -Watch it. She is total class!
-I love Biopics. Many times, Oscars have been awarded to Movies that are boigraphical. Two of My winning faves are: Amadeus and The Last Emperor, but The Aviator is great, too. I am not a fan of Howard Hughes, but I enjoyed watching this superbly acted film. An advantage to Biopics in the Oscars I think is the frame of reference that is had about the subject by viewers, and that there are clear and unmistakeable ways to "nail" a character(look, accent to name two). Some would argue that it doesn't require an artist to "create" a character as much, but I think there is real talent to it nonetheless. Here is a YouTube vid of Cate Blanchett meeting the press talking about pretty much that same subject. Watch it. It is COOL! The Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg5UQz8PjSE -Such class and eloquence. Wow. This is a bit lengthy, but worth it. (She meets the Press right after her Oscar win for her role in The Aviator).
-Here is a vid that fascinates me. It is Tilda Swinton addressing the SanFransisco International Film Festival. I am in awe of her brilliance and eloquence. She discusses the role of film in modern society and its effect on our collective (and individual) subconscious and welllll........Just watch it! (Here is the link): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qH1_xb1-Xc -This is SO worth seeing!
***Well, My picks for five of the the major awards tomorrow are these(picks meaning how I think the Academy will vote):
Best Film-Slumdog Millionaire-it simply has the momentum.
Best Actress-Kate Winslet or Anne Hathaway. Probably Kate.
Best Actor-Mickey Rourke is the sentimental fave, and I think he will take it.
Best Supporting Actress-This is a hard one. I think that Amy Adams or Viola Davis have great chances, but Marisa Tomei may just blindside them.
Best Supporting Actor-Heath, of Course. I think it is foregone.
Last vid: Best Actresses/Actors in Oscar History. Love this! (Although there is an annoying sound throughout the vid, so turn down the sound if it bugs. The pics are cool.)Well, I really hope that my blogger buddies will check out the vids! This has been fun. Monday I will post an Oscar Result and Review blog Entry-So Keep Tuned in! ;-)