Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Chronichles of Narnia:Prince Caspian-Review #2 CINEMA SATURDAY

*Caution: A bit of a spoiler alert is warranted here!
The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian is a film that I am glad I saw despite the handicap that I feel all films based on books like the Narnia volumes (which I am sad to say I am not really familiar with as I would like to be) labor under-What I have imagined in my mind while reading the books feels intruded on by someone else's vision. It is always two fold, though. Especially since I have gotten older, I have become a bit more curious as to what someone else will come up with. The film's beginning scenes introduce us to the new character, Prince Caspian. We learn Caspian's life is in danger and he is forced by a friend and mentor, Doctor Cornelius to leave the castle of Lord Miraz because a son and heir has just been born to Miraz and his wife. This is a difficult situation for Caspian because Lord Miraz is Caspian's uncle, and a Power hungry one. Caspian has lived with Miraz and has been carefully used as a pawnish figure. Miraz's new little son is motivaton to dispense of his nephew and establish his line of power. Caspian escaspes and meets with Narnians-a race derided and thought to be extinct. He is alarmed, sounds a horn given him by Doctor Cornelius and.........Enter the Pevensie children. The four Rulers re-enter their kingdom to find it wasted by the power-monger Miraz and his race of telmarines-who for 1300 years have been opressing Narnia . Remember,Narnians are thought to be extinct. Cair Paravel and all of the familiar landmarks in the world of Narnia and its outskirts are as I said-wasted. Battles ensue, intrigues arise, but the most fascinating thing to me about the movie besides the Christian symbolism is the growth of the four children: Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy have passed through only a year out of Narnia, but growth has taken place particularly with Edmund. I love it that Edmund is the one who personally shatters the chance for the white Witch to come back into power. Among his siblings, he alone knows in a MUCH fuller way the seduction of her power through his unique experience with her. He has overcome much. Lucy is a symbol of child-like faith, sweetness and innocence. She seeks Aslan with true and earnest belief-although it shakes a bit in this installment. Peter and Lucy have matured. They are protectors as ever. Without going too much into detail, another thing I enjoyed was the costume and make-up and computer animation . The animated animals were quite fun. Reepicheep the mouse along with giants, minotaurs, dwarves, and centaurs are fun to watch. And My fave-Aslan-is voiced by the wonderful Liam Neeson. :-) I love that character. Reviewing this movie is kind of difficult because to do it the way I want to and as intelligently as I want to, I feel that I should have read all of the books (which I have not done) and clarify and compare. But this is a movie, and the movie is a fun ride. I give the film 2.5 out of 4 stars.

O.K. I finished this at 2:58 a.m. There will be editing.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Visit From an Apostle

Today I got to shake hands with an Apostle. Robert D. Hales spoke at our Stake Conference (for the Hobble Creek West stake). What a gentle, approachable and fabulous man. It has definitely been a blessing to hear from him. Sometimes I get stuck in the rut of being enclosed-enclosed in a kind of box that does not allow me to give myself the right and/or ability to move forward-to forgive myself. To cut myself slack. When I was in Elder Hales's presence (after the conference concluded I had the chance to meet him in the lobby), that melted away for a moment. While speaking, his counsel was not perfunctory or scripted. It was just wisdom. Just hope. I have NO DOUBT that the moments of doubt and fear that come to each of us are intended to make us grow, be stronger, and be more aware of GOD. I am greatful for the opportunity to have those times. They are neccesary. But today it was just nice to bask in the glow of gentleness and kindness of an Apostle-AN APOSTLE who brought love and caring, counsel and wisdom to US(and in a way, I feel to ME in particualr). I am grateful to Elder Hales. :-)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Father in Israel-Review #1 CINEMA SATURDAY MOVIE REVIEW!

Well, here it is-the debut of CINEMA SATURDAY Movie Review here on Ms. Holm's soapbox. I would like to begin by saying that I have been a snob about LDS film. I have never been drawn to it for many reasons-and I am LDS; So I am excited and glad that my very first to review is an LDS themed film that surprised me pleasantly to say the least. Father in Israel-the opening night film at this year's LDS film festival was the kind of film that the LDS film culture should be proud to claim. Totally devoid of the over-used cliches that plague LDS film, it put into view the rich humanity and beautiful peculiarity of the LDS faith as lived by Aaron Young, a character that at once demands the audience's sympathy. Life for the middle-aged Aaron is changing at a fast pace-and will not be letting up. He is called as the father-figure and spiritual shepherd of his church congregation-as an LDS bishop. The beginning of this film has a scene in which he is confiding to his own father that he wishes that he could have a life situation that made him feel like he did while serving his mission for the church-spiritually fed and filled instead of depleted by a job that grates on his mind and soul. Clearly, he did NOT have the appointment as bishop in mind to do that; and this appointment serves to bring him to his knees as he also faces rapid-fire changes in his family life. His wife is unwaveringly devoted and helpful to him as he fulfills his responsibilities. A twenty-three year-old daughter and an eight year-old son are just two of the six children of his-all of whom on one level or another are facing some kind of rite of passage. He must be the parent they need and the Bishop that his congregation needs. Christian Vuissa (also producer of such films as The Errand of Angels, And the founder of the LDS Film Festival) is the Producer, Director, and Screenplay writer. He has done a sublime job. The subplots are engaging and believable. Characters such as a struggling wayward daughter and an extremely likeable non-LDS co-worker of Aaron's (who is part of an extremely funny situation arising from an agreement.......just watch the movie) are rich and believable. The acting is well-done. Timothy Threlfall in the leading role created a wonderful character that is(as I have said) thoroughlly sympathetic. He faces the sacrifices that he feels he must make for his family and others without an existential meltdown or even too much self-pity. His interest is where his family lies. He is a Father in Israel. I give this film 3 stars out of 4. Rated PG

I could not see this film without thinking about my own father. Love You, Dad. :-)

Father in Israel official web site

Thanks to Karen "Kazzy" Burton for making the viewing of Father in Israel possible! :-D Thanks, Karen.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama and echoes of history????????

First of all, I am thrilled to start a blog. I LOVE writing, and seeing that I am full steam ahead on a novel (which will probably make its debut elsewhere), I am excited to engage in this fun venue for expressing all things that I desire-mostly non-fiction.

Obama will be inaugurated tomorrow. Many people have expressed their feelings that Obama is going to inspire our nation in ways unthought of. He has been supported by members of the Kennedy family; and it is even said that he inspires them the same way that President Kennedy does. I need to say my peace (as I have before) about this.

I proudly admit it, I can be accused of severe subjectivity on this subject. Anyone who knows me knows that John F. Kennedy is my Eternal Personal Hero. I have been to the J.F.K library, collected many J.F.K books, etc. .... the list goes on. I am puzzled to say the least that Obama's less-than-a day away presidency is percieved by some as an "echo" of history. Obama is of his own time and era.
Here are some interesting differences that I put together between the sevice of Kennedy and Obama :

1. When Kennedy took office, he had served in congress(both House and Senate) for fourteen years. He was seasoned in politics. Obama has served in the U.S. Senate a total of about two years.

2. Kennedy is a war hero. Obama does NOT have that kind of experience.

3. Kennedy served to help the cause of Civil rights (during a period of severe growing pains for the movement) on principle. He believed that it was the just, correct, and only thing to do and fought for civil rights advances on principle despite the lack of support from congress and many powerful social and political groups. Kennedy was the first president to address the equal pay issue for women. He even once mentioned that he thought that a woman could make a great persident, and expected that one day a woman would be. Obama has reaped the benefits of this. He will never face the opposition that Kennedy had to.

4. Kennedy faced the Catholic issue head-on. The way he did it is legend. Obama has faced little or no problems with the religeon issue (maybe excepting the crackpots who believe he is Muslim).

5. Kennedy was immersed immediately in global stresses-a cold war without the co-operation of the CIA. Obama will be immersed also-but he has a kind of solidarity behind him in this dangerous era that Kennedy didn't have. Obama won't be responsible if there are conflicts about the wars and Gitmo, etc.-He is ready to dismantle Bush policies forthwith. Too much is known for him to be left holding the bag. Obama has reaped the benefits of the peace Kennedy preserved. For our sakes, I hope that he uses wisdom and help from Our GOD. Kennedy did.

Kennedy has faced the deluge of revisionist historians. Camelot is the Golden Age through which a"hard and bitter peace" was wrought with sweat, and COURAGE. It is an era of service. The era that Obama "ushers" in is one markedly lacking in the innocence and the unperfunctory brand of service that Kennedy inspired.

I like Obama. I wish him well. I am excited for him. I hope that he does well for our sakes. But he DOES NOT hold a place for me. He never will, no matter how he might turn out to impress me....... he is NOT my hero. Here is You Tube video of JFK's inagural address-(part one).